Editing a Photo in Photoshop Elements 2020

Digital Wonders and Smiles
4 min readNov 15, 2020

Just before you read the post I’d like to thank you for reading this on Medium.com. If you want to see my full WordPress blog, please just click the link here! Thank you & enjoy the post!


You may or may not know that I edit my photos in Photoshop 2020 for the most part. If you know Adobe well, you will know that they make four different premium photography editing software’s. These include Photoshop Elements (what I use), Photoshop CC, Lightroom Classic, and Lightroom CC. Lightroom is probably the most well known software that most photographers use but photoshop is used for a lot of other artists from youtubers to graphic design artists. I use Photoshop Elements because of the wider versatility. Yes photoshop doesn’t have all of Lightroom’s features but Lightroom also doesn’t have as many Photoshop features. Personally, the way I edit my photos involves features that are exclusively on photoshop as you will see below.

Photoshop VS Lightroom:

The main reason that I don’t use Lightroom is because I was given Photoshop as a gift. But despite that fact, given the choice, I would probably not have chosen to use Lightroom anyways when choosing one or the other. I like how Photoshop has almost all the features of Lightroom but it also has the features that you get with any photoshop software’s. Also, there is no such thing as “Lightroom Elements” like there is “Photoshop Elements”. What is the difference then? Photoshop Elements has tutorials and shortcuts to navigate the vast settings in the program to get where you want to go faster. Photoshop Elements is probably the best premium photo editor for a beginner if you want to know how to navigate the program and have great built in tutorials. For me this is my first premium photo editor and I often use these tutorials or short cuts to skip the searching through the settings. So, now I am going to do a walkthrough on how I go about editing an unedited photo for the blog.

Editing a Photo:

Here are the steps of editing that I did.

The first photo just shows the image as I imported it into Photoshop before work was done to the photo. The second screenshot shows me using one of the preset shortcuts to remove the background. After that you can see that the photo needs to be touched up and after fifteen minutes we got the fifth screenshot. Finally, after another half hour of editing I got the final photo. In that half hour I touched up the flowers imperfections and touched up some other parts of the flower to get the final result which is below.

This photo is a great demonstration of why I use photoshop. Photoshop is great at removing and replacing parts of images like what I did in this photo and this is just something that photoshop is great at.

Other Edits

Below are some other photos that I have edited for the blog in past posts. I thought that you might find it interesting what photos looked like before they were edited and uploaded to the blog.

The first photo is before any editing and the second photo is after all edits have been completed. 🙂

B&W Butterfly by Digital Wonders & Smiles is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Red Flowers by Digital Wonders & Smiles is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

I really hope that you enjoyed this weeks post! Please comment on what your favorite editing software is and let me know! Thank you for reading!

-Digital Wonders & Smiles



Digital Wonders and Smiles

I operate a small photography blog on WordPress and use Medium as a sort of second blog! You’ll find extra content about tech, photography, and more here!